Sunday School Registration 2019

Parent's Name(s)*
Parent Email Address*
Parent Phone Number*
Parent Phone Number
Are you members at Living Water?
First Child's Name
First Child's Grade
Does this child have any allergies or food/diet restrictions? If yes, please list and indicate severity.
Does this child have any medical conditions or special needs that we should be aware of?
Second Child's Name
Second Child's Grade
Does this child have any allergies or food/diet restrictions? If yes, please list and indicate severity.
Does this child have any medical conditions or special needs that we should be aware of?
Third Child's Name
Third Child's Grade
Does this child have any allergies or food/diet restrictions? If yes, please list and indicate severity.
Does this child have any medical conditions or special needs that we should be aware of?
In case of an emergency, if we are unable to reach either parent, who should we contact?
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Relationship to Child
Photographs of the children may be taken during Sunday School. Photographs may be used

--in church publications, including but not limited to, weekly bulletins or monthly newsletters
--displayed within the church building, including but not limited to, bulletin boards or digital displays
--on the web, including but not limited to, the church Facebook page or the church website.

Children's name, first or last, will not be used with the images.

I hereby give permission for my child to be photographed during Sunday School. I understand and agree to allow my child(ren)'s image to be used as stated above.
Living Water has my permission to use photographs of my child(ren) in church publications.*
Living Water has my permission to use photographs of my child(ren) displayed in church.*
Living Water has my permission to use photographs of my child(ren) on the web.*
