
Service Times:
Sunday 9:00 am
Monday 6:30 pm

We are a liturgical church. This description comes from the Greek word leiturgia which means "service." To worship liturgically means to follow a certain order which serves to help us worship God. These orders of service may change from one week to another, but they all contain certain elements which direct our focus to our Savior and what he has done for us. Worshiping liturgically does not always mean a strict and rigid adherence to one form. When we worship, we focus on God's Word and sacraments - the means he uses to bring us to faith and strengthen our faith.  

As we focus on God's Word, we read portions from the Bible each week which follow the calendar of the church year. This allows us to reflect on different portions of God's Word which connect to a common theme. The themes for each service follow the salvation story from week to week.