We would love to have you visit us, and we know that it can be hard to visit a church for the first time.
We hope that these questions and answers are helpful to you as you consider attending our church.
What time are the services?
We worship on Sundays at 9:00 am and Mondays at 7:00 pm.
What is a worship service like at Living Water?
Lutheran worship gathers people around the gospel, or the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. In our services, we follow a pattern of worship called “liturgy.” This pattern helps us focus on the gospel by allowing us to confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness, to hear God’s Word, and to pray together. We also make use of our talents in music to beautify worship with singing and instruments.
Where should I sit?
Feel free to sit wherever you would like and feel comfortable.
How long is the worship service?
A typical worship service lasts about one hour.
How will I know what to do?
An usher will hand you a bulletin when you enter the worship space. This bulletin has the order of worship printed out for you. The service is also projected on a screen. Feel free to participate in as much or as little as you feel comfortable.
Is an offering taken during the worship service?
An offering is taken during the service. The members of Living Water show their thanks to God through their giving, but we do not expect you to participate in the offering.
What about my children?
Children of all ages are welcome at Living Water. We encourage families to grow in faith together as they hear God’s Word and sing his praises during the worship service. There is a nursery room just off the worship space. If you need a moment alone with your child during the service, you are welcome to take them there. You are still able to hear and see the service from the nursery room.
What should I wear?
God gives us no dress code for worship. Members reflect their respect for God and his house in how they dress. Yet, on any given Sunday, you may see suits and blue jeans, high heels and tennis shoes.
Will I be singled out in any way?
We will not make you stand up so that everyone can see you or draw attention to you in other ways during the worship service. Our ushers, greeters, and other members will probably greet you as you enter and leave the building. It is up to you whether you want to engage in an extended conversation with us, and you may decide to visit a few times before starting a conversation. We do ask that you sign the Friendship Register when it is passed down the aisle.
May I receive communion?
In the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, Jesus provides his true body and blood, together with the bread and wine. In doing so, God offers personal and tangible assurance of the forgiveness of sins.
Living Water offers the Lord's Supper to confirmed members of this congregation and to confirmed members of another congregation within our fellowship.
Why? The Bible teaches that communion is an act of fellowship with God as well as with those who share the exact same faith. It also teaches that while this meal is intended for spiritual benefit, people can take it to their spiritual harm if they don't have a proper understand of it. If you have questions about our communion practice, please speak to Pastor Voss.