Bible Study

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Join us at Adult Bible Study! To grow in knowledge and to nurture our faith, we dig into Scripture, wrestle with tough questions, and seek practical application for our daily lives.  Adult Bible Study is held on Sundays beginning at 10:30 am and lasting about forty-five minutes.
Streams of Living Water

Streams of Living Water is a Bible study designed to present the foundational teachings of the Christian faith. Along the way, participants discover what God means by "living water," why we have a need for it, where we can find it, and what effects living water produces in our lives.

In the end, you'll better know your Savior Jesus, better understand the basic teachings of Scripture, and learn about what our congregation preaches, teaches, and practices.

The whole course is twelve sessions, each one lasting about sixt or sevent-five minutes. Use the "Contact Us" page to get a hold of Pastor Voss.