The Joy Campaign

With Joy...

"With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3

With joy, we thank God that for twenty-seven years, Living Water has drawn from God’s wells of salvation.

With joy, we remember the twenty-two years of gospel ministry that our building has facilitated.

With joy, we plan for future gospel ministry at Living Water.

With joy, we praise God for both the spiritual and physical blessings he has given to us individually.

With joy, we ponder God’s promise that his spiritual and physical blessings won’t run dry.

With joy, we pray to God as we evaluate if we might increase individual giving to support facility upgrades through The Joy Campaign.

    The Joy Campaign Timeline
    • Week of September 30 - check your mailbox for the Joy Campaign cover letter, informational booklet, and pledge card
    • October 27 - Gather & Grow Sunday, at which we will have a catered meal and formally collect all pledge cards
      *Pledge cards can be turned in any time from when you receive it through this date - if turning in prior to Gather & Grow Sunday, please place in the offering plate
    • Early November - the Pledges & Gifts Committee will tabulate pledges and submit a recommendation to Council, which will go to the voters at the end-of-November Voters Meeting 
The Joy Campaign Informational Booklet
    What You're Being Asked To Do
    • Save the Date & join us for our special "Gather & Grow Sunday," (October 27) at which we will have a catered meal and formally collect all of the pledge cards from The Joy Campaign. Our "That's Amore" meal will be served at 11am after the service. A signup sheet is in the narthex for us to get a headcount. We look forward to seeing you there as we Gather & Grow as a congregation! 
    • Please read through the letter and booklet of information prepared
    • Please ask committee members follow up questions you may have
    • Please prayerfully consider your gift to The Joy Campaign as you pray the campaign prayer, reflect on the blessings God has bestowed upon you, and then, as the Lord so moves you, respond as a faithful and joyful steward.
    • Consider these questions and opportunity joyfully, not reluctantly or under compulsion. Whenever you as an individual and we as a congregation make decisions - including financial ones - God wants us to make decisions with Spirit-worked joy that thanks God for past blessings, is confident in God’s promises, and is eager to serve God’s Church
Give an online gift towards the Joy Campaign
*Please denote your gift is for the Joy Campaign (not General Fund) as you give 
    Campaign Progress
  • Campaign Goal:
    • Pledges of $1.75 million towards down payment
    • Pledges of additional $8.000/month in monthly offering to help with increased mortgage once project starts
    Check back for progress once we start collecting pledges! 
    Campaign Leadership Team

    Pastor Aaron Voss | Chairman Bill Walter | Tracy DeAngelis | Mike Graffenius | John Maiwald | Dan Schultz


    Chairman John Wiederhold | Brian Haag | Mary Lee Lehmann | Craig Scherbarth | Kari Schultz | Jenilee Voss

Dearest Jesus, you became poor so that we might become rich. In addition to forgiveness and eternal life, you have given us blessings far too numerous to count. So inspire us by your generosity that we devote all we have and all we are to the glory of your name and the well-being of souls. Help us learn the joy of giving, the value of faithful labor, and the satisfaction of time well spent. Replace our fear and selfishness with the confidence that you will provide everything we need for doing good and will do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine. Amen.