Today’s Prayer

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.—Lamentations 3:25, 26, (NIV)

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the hope we have in you.  Thank you for the free country in which we live.  We pray, Father, and we seek your guidance in keeping our country strong for future generations.  Father, we pray for freedom from wars, for safety of our servicemen and women, for wisdom for our leaders, and also for religious freedom.  America was founded on freedom of religion.  Our religious beliefs seem to be challenged in every direction of society.  Please fill us with all the fortification we need to counter attack all these onslaughts of the devil.  God bless America.  Amen.


Waterford 4th of July Parade

Help is needed to prep the goody bags and to walk in the Waterford Fourth of July parade.  The parade starts at 11 am.  Sign-up in the narthex.


VBS—Coming Soon!

VBS will be held on Monday, July 9—Thursday, July 12 from 6:00-8:00 pm.
A free family dinner will be served beginning at 5:00 pm.


Volunteers & Donations

Many volunteers—from activity leaders to group helpers to registration to decorating— are needed to help make this event happen.  We are also looking to borrow many items to help decorate or to use throughout the week.  Please sign up in the narthex if you are able to help in either of these ways.  If you have questions, please contact Lori Moldenhauer.



Registration forms for children can be found in the narthex.  You can also register online at


Invite Others

Help us spread the word about our VBS.  There are advertising sheets available in the narthex.  If you have a local business that you frequent, please take one and ask if they can display it.


Dessert Donations

We are looking for individuals to donate desserts for the dinners.  Please bring them to the kitchen by Sunday, July 8 and label them “VBS Dessert.”



Pictorial Directories

Our new congregational photo directories have arrived! Every family is encouraged to pick one up in the narthex and take it home.  Thanks to all who helped put it together!


July Newsletter

Please pick up your July newsletter in the narthex.


Senior Moments Next Event

The Senior Moments' summer concert in the park and potluck picnic will be Sunday, July 22. The concert begins at 2:00 pm. We will be enjoying 40's and 50's swing music by Swing of Pearls. The concert will be held at Lions Legend Park in Franklin. Following the concert we will go to Ken & Sue Gawrisch's house for games and a potluck picnic. Bring a lawn chair and a dish to pass.  A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.


Scrip Order

Whether you’re planning for a backyard barbeque or a family road trip, shopping for those (or many other summer activities) can raise funds for the Tuition Assistance Fund by using scrip.   Scrip is a program where you buy gift cards at face value.  A percentage of that gift card is donated to Living Water.  Those funds are added to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Order forms are available in the narthex.  Orders are due today. You can also order Scrip cards online.


Help Needed

Please consider giving of your time or your gifts to help out in several areas around church.  Sign-up sheets are in the narthex for hosting fellowship, bringing flowers for worship, greeting before worship, and cleaning the church.  None of these tasks are difficult, but each helps beautify our worship and create a welcoming atmosphere. 




Greeters: The Haag Family

Flowers: Jim & Janice Prochaska

Cleaning: The Schultz Family

Ushers:  Team 4: Dave DeAngelis, Brian Haag, Craig Scherbarth, Matt Timm



Greeter:  Needed

Flowers:  Needed

Fellowship Host:  Needed

Cleaning:  Needed

Ushers:  Team 1: Duane Cleven, Bob Leverenz, Ryan Moldenhauer, Art Plautz



32nd Annual Pacer Open Golf Outing

Golfers, mark your calendars and save the date!  The 32nd Annual Pacer Open golf outing is scheduled to tee-off on July 13, 2018, at Maplecrest Country Club.  The shotgun start begins at 9:00 a.m., and includes golf, dinner, raffle and a silent auction.  The deadline to register is Friday, July 7.  Please register early because space is limited.  If you are not a golfer, but still want to enjoy great fellowship, the cost of the Pacer Social is $25.  For more information including how to register, how to be a sponsor, or how to donate items, please visit Shoreland’s website at  If you have any questions, please call Paul Strutz at 262-515-4528 (cell), or 262-859-2592 ext 206 (office), or email him at