8/17/2018 8:18:09 AM
August 19, 2018
Today’s Prayer
For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.—Colossians 1:27, (NIV)
The riches and glory of Christ are in ME! Christ lives in ME! He wants ME to share in his glory! Though I am unworthy, I only need to confess my sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I will be saved! Dear Jesus, please be with me today and always. Help me to watch the words of my mouth that they may build others up – everyone I talk to! Guard my thoughts, keeping focused on you. May I always see my glass as half full, rather than half empty, and my life totally full of you. Guard my actions that I may show Christian love in all I do. As you live in me, let me then live so your glory will shine for others to see. Amen.
Church Picnic
Come enjoy visiting with fellow church members and enjoy some great food next Sunday, August 26. A church picnic will be held following the worship service. Meat, corn on the cob, water, juice, and coffee will be provided. Bring a dish to pass. Some grills are also needed. To help with planning, please sign-up in the narthex if you are planning to attend.
Photography on Sunday, August 26
On August 26, two local WELS photographers will be on site to capture images of the building, during worship service, and of members socializing. We will use the photos in different mediums—website, newsletter, Facebook, etc. Names will not be used, but if you prefer not to have your face appear online or in public advertisements, please speak to Pastor Voss or Janeen Roska, and your privacy will be respected. Silence will be understood as permission. In front of the cameras, conduct yourself as you normally do; don't change a thing! The goal is to capture our congregation as we are and to display the Christian community we have.
New Member Welcome Brunch
Get to know our new members a little bit better at the New Member Welcome Brunch on Sunday, September 9. This will take the place of Bible Class and Sunday School. Hot ham and rolls will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. Hope to see you there!
Lawn Mower
The lawn mower is repaired and ready for use once again. We thank all who have signed up to help mow! Open dates remain on the sign up sheet in the narthex. Please speak to Gary Steffens if you have questions about mowing.
Sunday School
Sunday School will begin again this fall. It is held after Sunday morning worship during the time that Bible Class is held. It is open to children in grades 4K-6th grade. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex. You can also sign-up online at our website. We are looking for volunteers to help teach this year. If you are willing to help out in the teacher rotation, please call, text or e-mail Brian Haag.
September Newsletter
Please submit items for the September newsletter by today, Sunday, August 19.
No Labor Day Monday Worship
Due to Labor Day, there will be no worship on Monday, September 3. Monday worship will resume on September 10.
Organist: Sue Gawrisch
Greeter: Dorothy Young
Flowers: The Roska Family—in memory of Janeen’s cousin
Fellowship Hosts:
Ushers: Team 3: Jim Mertz, Troy Moldenhauer, Josh Moldenhauer, Jim Prochaska
Greeters: Brian & Veronica Haag
Flowers: Jim & Janice Prochaska
Cleaning: Needed
Ushers: Team 4: Dave DeAngelis, Brian Haag, Craig Scherbarth, Matt Timm
Organization of WELS Lutheran Seniors Convention
The 2018 OWLS convention is being held on October 10-12 at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Each year the OWLS host a fall convention with the purpose of getting members together to be spiritually enriched, have fun, meet new people, and renew old acquaintances. The Organization of WELS Seniors (OWLS) convention is open to all WELS/ELS members who are retired and/or over the age of 50. Learn more at wels.net/events.
Job Opening
Christ Lutheran School in Big Bend is seeking an individual to become our school janitor beginning in mid-August of this year. The position involves the performance of basic janitorial duties in a Christian pre-school and elementary school environment. The job will be expected to be accomplished within twenty hours a week; Monday through Friday beginning at 2:30 P.M. If you have an interest in this position or if you have any questions regarding this posting please contact our Principal Mr. Steven Janke at Christ Lutheran School in Big Bend.