10/7/2018 2:27:03 PM
October 7, 2018
Today’s Prayer
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. —Psalm 139:5,6 (NIV)
Dear Heavenly Father, I don’t think I need to know a whole lot about sewing to realize that being hemmed in behind and before is a pretty snug position to be in. And then you place your loving hand upon me to top it all off! No matter where my circumstances take me -- health, finances, family problems, school, relationships, life changes -- you are there, surrounding me with your love and protection. Father, I am so unworthy to even have you look at me. How can I possibly comprehend the extent of love you have for me? Thank you for loving me so much that you sent your Son, Jesus, so I may be saved from my sins by his death and resurrection. Allow me to always remember your presence, walk in your presence, live in your presence, and allow others to see just a tiny glimpse of you through me. Amen.
October Newsletter
Please pick up your October newsletter in the narthex.
Mission & Ministry Sunday
We will celebrate the mission work that we do as a synod next Sunday, October 14. Pastor Tim Dolan will serve as our guest preacher. He is the Dean of Students at Luther Preparatory School but also serves as the chairman of the Native American Mission Administrative Committee.
Fall Clean Up Day
Join us this Saturday, October 13, for Fall Clean Up work day. We will begin working at 9:00 am. Rain date is Saturday, October 20.
Trunk or Treat Festival
Help reach out to families in our area by simply serving donuts and apple cider or helping kids decorate pumpkins. Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 27 from 1:00-3:30 pm. Many volunteers are needed to make this outreach event happen; sign up in the narthex to help out in a variety of ways. Various donations are also needed; please see the bulletin board in the narthex. Donations of candy can be put in the bin in the narthex.
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir has begun rehearsals, but we have room for more singers. We will rehearse on Sundays from 8:15-8:45 am until Sunday, October 21. Any child who enjoys singing and can read (1st-2nd grade) through 8th grade is welcome to join us! Contact Janeen Roska for more information.
Women’s in God’s Service
WinGS will have their next meeting on Sunday, October 14 following Bible class. They will also be enjoying fellowship during an outing to Elegant Farmer on Sunday, October 21. If you need a ride to a meeting or event, please contact Kathi Boziel.
Senior Moments
will be going to see a Wisconsin Lutheran College Warriors volleyball game on Tuesday, October 16 at 7:00 p.m. The cost for the game is only $3.00, so let's all come to cheer on Jenilee and her team! We'll stop at Mo's Irish Pub on 108th & Bluemound for dinner before the game. We will meet at church at 4:00 pm to carpool, so sign-up today so we know how many to expect and we'll make reservations for dinner.
LED Sign Variance Approved
The Racine County Board of Adjustments has officially approved our requested variance for a 24.5' LED sign. The sign is now in the process of being ordered and built. It should be installed and operational sometime in December. Thank you for your input and prayers regarding this part of our overall outreach strategy!
Scrip Order
With some advance planning, you can raise funds for our Tuition Assistance Fund by using scrip. Scrip is a program where you buy gift cards at face value. A percentage of that gift card is donated to Living Water. Those funds are added to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Order forms are available in the narthex. Orders are due today, Sunday, October 7. You can also order Scrip cards online.
Pianist: Tracy Hankwitz
Greeter: Bob Leverenz
Flowers: Diane Kordus
Fellowship Hosts:
Cleaning: Team 3
Ushers: Team 2: Dennis Banaszak, Steve Shantz, Noah Shantz, Wade Wollermann
Greeters: Needed
Flowers: Jim & Chris Mastrocola—celebrating 25th wedding anniversary
Fellowship Hosts: Needed
Cleaning: Needed
Ushers: Team 3: Jim Mertz, Troy Moldenhauer, Josh Moldenhauer, Jim Prochaska
Lutheran Volunteer Connect
Lutheran Volunteer Connect is an opportunity to match volunteers with churches. By connecting the right gifts to the right organizations, we can witness God’s grace work through new avenues. Even though Vacation Bible School and canvassing don’t always seem glamorous, they bring the gospel to people, and there is nothing more important. For more information, please visit www.lutheranvolunteerconnect.com or speak to Neil Hankwitz.
Luther Prep Presents
Romeo and Juliet TOGETHER (and alive!) AT LAST
A comedy sure to please all! Saturday October 20, 7pm and Sunday, October 21, 2:30pm; Luther Prep Auditorium 1300 Western Ave Watertown, WI. Seats are $6 general admission-no RSVP (free ages 6 and under). Saturday also has a dining option at 5:30pm. Must RSVP by Oct 5 online: lps.wels.net/page/performing-arts/ fall-play or by calling Sue at 920-262-8104.
Shoreland Lutheran HS Open House
You, your family and friends are invited to learn more about Shoreland at our Open House on Sunday, October 21, from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Principal Michael Koestler will be giving a 30-minute presentation MAP Results: What You NEED to Know, to help you navigate through the meaning and importance of the MAP Test score at 5:00 p.m. during the Open House.