Today’s Prayer

You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. —Psalm 118:28,2 (NIV)

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it seems I never praise you enough.  I am never hesitant to ask a request but am oh-so-slow in praising you.  Forgive me Father, for my shortcoming.  Show me how I can spend more time praising you and thanking you.  All good and perfect gifts are from you, Father.  When I ask for sunshine but get rain, or when events turn against my liking, help me to give thanks knowing that it is all in your control.  Be with me, Father, that in all things I may give thanks.  I give thanks that your love for me is as vast as the east is from the west; it's never ending.  I thank you for my salvation through Jesus Christ.  I thank you for all the gifts received from the Holy Spirit.  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I thank you for everything.  Amen.



Thank and praise God for his many blessings.  Thanksgiving Worship will be held this Wednesday, November 21 at 6:30 pm.  A pie social will be held following the service.  Enjoy a slice of pie while visiting with fellow church members.  Please consider baking (or purchasing) an extra pie to share that evening.  A sign-up sheet is in the narthex.


The Names by which He Will be Called

In preparation for Christmas, midweek Advent Worship services will be held on Wednesdays, December 5, 12, and 19 at 6:30 pm.  Each worship service will focus on a name of Jesus.  A dinner will be held each week before the service beginning at 5:30 pm.   The dinner on December 5 is a potluck hosted by Senior Moments.  There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex.


Advent by Candlelight

Ladies, please mark your calendars for Sunday, December 2 for Advent by Candlelight.  Join us for an evening of delicious treats, great conversation, and meditative worship.  Hostesses are needed for the evening.  Hosting a table includes providing decorations, including candles, and place settings.  Desserts are also needed for the evening—it can be cakes, cookies, pies, or fruit.  Please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex or contact Tracy Hankwitz or Janeen Roska for more information.  You can also RSVP your plans to attend in the narthex.  Please invite family and friends to join you.


Jesus Cares Supplies Drive

WinGS is sponsoring an opportunity to donate food and supplies to James Cares which is an adult family home with 12 residents. The majority of these folks come to Jesus Cares at Living Water every month and are so glad to be served by our Jesus Cares’ ministry.  Please consider supporting these wonderful children of God, through not only your prayers, but also by giving of canned food items or paper products.  A full list of suggested items can be found in the narthex.  A box for supplies will also be in the narthex for the rest of the month of November. Thank you in advance for your generous contributions.  


Gifts from Friends of Jesus

is a charitable toy drive coordinated by a member of Christ Lutheran Church in Big Bend. Donated toys go to families in inner city Milwaukee, such as at Christ and St. Peter Lutheran Churches. More information and a collection bin is in the narthex. The bin will be collected on December 9.


Good Samaritan Opportunity

Would you like to volunteer and reflect Christ's love and mercy for you to a couple in Wind Lake? Interim HealthCare approached Living Water about providing respite care for a husband who needs to provide full time care to his home-bound wife. So that this gentleman can run errands, you would simply sit with his wife twice a week from 9 am - 1 pm. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Voss. Thank you for considering!


December Newsletter

Please submit items for the December newsletter by Sunday, November 25.


Secretary Office Hours

Janeen Roska will be in the office on Wednesday, November 21 from 9:30 am—12:30 pm.  Please submit items for the November 25 bulletin before Wednesday morning.



     Organist: Janeen Roska
     Handbell Choir, Director: Tracy Hankwitz
     Greeters: Joyce & Roxie  Grimmer
     Communion Setup:  Nancy Gitzel
     Fellowship Hosts: 
     Cleaning: Team 4
     Ushers:  Team 4: Dave DeAngelis, Brian Haag, Craig Scherbarth, Matt Timm

     Ushers:  Team 3: Jim Mertz, Troy Moldenhauer, Josh Moldenhauer, Jim Prochaska

     Flowers:  Joyce & Roxie Grimmer—in memory of Randy Grimmer
     Fellowship Hosts: Joyce & Roxie Grimmer
     Cleaning:  Needed
     Ushers:  Team 1: Duane Cleven, Bob Leverenz, Ryan Moldenhauer, Art Plautz




Prelude to Christmas Concert

The Lutheran Chorale of Milwaukee present its annual “Prelude to Christmas” program entitled “My Lord Has Come” on Sunday, November 25 at 2:00 & 4:30 p.m. at Abiding Word Lutheran Church located at 9420 W. Capitol Dr. in Milwaukee. The organ prelude presented by Lynn Kozlowski will begin twenty minutes prior to the concert. Additional information can be found at


Living Nativity

Bring your blankets and join St. Paul's Muskego under the stars as we present a 15-minute OUTDOOR presentation on the birth of Christ.  Continuous performances every 20 minutes that include live animals will be held, November 30 and December 1 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and December 2 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  We are wheelchair and stroller accessible.  FREE admission - cookies and hot chocolate for everyone. 


Suicide Prevention Training

Grace Lutheran Church in Waukesha is hosting QPR Suicide Prevention Training on Saturday, December 8 at 10:00am.  Each day, on average, 20 military veterans died by suicide.  QPR (modeled after CPR) is a "first response" training to be able help someone who is at risk of suicide.  Training involves learning to listen and to know EXACTLY what to say to a person who needs help and knowing who to contact for help. There is NO COST for this training but you MUST register to attend (  The training is conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs as a part of its suicide prevention initiative.   The event is open to EVERYONE who is interested in knowing what to do when a family member or friend needs help (not just for Veteran families).