Today’s Prayer

But the Israelites said to the Lord, “We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think best, but please rescue us now.” Then they got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the Lord. And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer. —Judges 10:15-16 (NIV)

Dear heavenly Father, help us to learn from the examples of those who have gone before us.  Help us to realize when we have sinned and be courageous and come before you, asking forgiveness and realizing that you are always present to hear our pleas.  Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may clearly see whatever it is in our lives that is keeping us from honoring you first and foremost.  Then give us the strength to get rid of these false gods and serve you only.  Let us never forget the depth of your love for us -- a love so great you that sacrificed your one and only begotten Son for all of us, for our salvation.  Let us not take this lightly and turn back to you, Lord.  Amen.


April Newsletter

Please pick up your April newsletter in the narthex.



We welcome Brandon & Tammie Begotka and their children, Broden, Bennet, and Becan; and John & Kathleen Maiwald and their son, Joseph into our membership today.


Three Words of Truth

Midweek Lenten worship services continue on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm during the six weeks of Lent.  The midweek services will reflect on “Three Words of Truth.” Pastor Pufahl from Christ, Big Bend, and Pastor Kujath from St. Paul’s, East Troy, will be preaching here again as part of a rotation.


Midweek Fellowship Meal

A free, fellowship dinner will be held each week before the midweek Lenten worship beginning at 5:30 pm.  Church Council is providing a taco bar this week, Wednesday, April 3.  Soup and sandwiches will be served on April 10 by WinGS.  All are welcome!  If you would like to bring a side-dish or dessert, sign-up sheets are in the narthex.


Easter for Kids

Easter for Kids will be 10 am - 12 noon on Saturday, April 13. The free event is for children, ages 3-10, from both our congregation and community.  It provides them an opportunity to have fun with crafts, music, and an Easter egg hunt. Most importantly, they'll learn how Jesus defeated death for them!  Registration is available here. We are looking for helpers on the event, floaters who help accompany the children throughout the event. Contact Pastor Voss if you are interested in helping that way.  


Easter Flowers

Easter flowers are available for purchase.  The flowers will decorate the altar area on Easter morning; families are welcome to take them home after the 9:00 am service.  More information and order envelopes are available in the narthex.  Orders are due by Sunday, April 14.


Easter Crosses

Share the good news of Easter with your neighbors with a cross to display in your yard.   Crosses are available in the narthex for a suggested donation of $5.


WinGS Meeting

Women in God’s Service (WinGS) will be meeting next week, Sunday, April 7, following Bible Class.  All ladies of the congregation are welcome at the meeting.  Hope to see you there!


Scrip Order

You can raise funds for our Tuition Assistance Fund through your regular shopping—gas, groceries, and more.   Scrip is a program where you buy gift cards, and a percentage of the gift cards is donated to Living Water.  Those funds are added to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Order forms are available in the narthex.  Orders are due Sunday, April 7.


Rummage Sale

The annual church rummage sale will be on Saturday, April 27.  Drop off times for your unwanted items will be April 22-26.  If you can’t get your items to church, please contact Sherry Dahl.


Secretary Office Hours

This week, Janeen Roska will be in the office on Wednesday from 4:00-5:30 pm and Friday from 1:30-4:00 pm.




Roger Fleming Warriors Golf Outing

The Wisconsin Lutheran College Athletic Department's annual golf outing is May 20. This event helps fund many of the day-to-day activities and provides additional resources, equipment, and experiences for the student-athletes at WLC, including Jenilee Voss' volleyball team. Part of the event includes a silent auction. If you have anything that you or your company are willing to donate to the college for this silent auction such as tickets, rental property, services, gift cards, etc., please reach out to Jenilee ( Additionally, if you or your company might be interested in being a sponsor or playing as a foursome, there are still a few spots available!