Today’s Prayer

Today Living Water welcomes Myles Zelechowski into communion membership through confirmation. Let us all join in prayer that Myles will always remain as close to the LORD as he was on this confirmation day. Psalm 91:14-16 is a good psalm to pray for Myles, for any confirmand, or for any person you would like to lift up in prayer. Try inserting a person's name where there are italics below:

“Because he psalm loves me “says the Lord,” I will rescue him I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With a long life will I satisfy him And show him my salvation.”



We wish God's blessings on our confirmands this year, Myles Zelechowski and Kalina Kwiatkowski! Kalina, who attends Christ Lutheran School, was confirmed earlier with her classmates in Big Bend. We welcome both as communicant members of our congregation. The congregation is invited to fellowship right after the service that celebrates today's confirmation. An abbreviated Bible class will follow, taking a look at Martin Luther's Small Catechism. May we at Living Water be a blessing to Myles and Kalina as they continue to grow in their faith!


Upcoming Worship Schedule

Holy Communion will not be celebrated today, but will be celebrated on Sunday, May 26.  There will not be worship next Monday, May 27 due to Memorial Day.


Summer Bible Class

Our summer series for Sunday morning Bible class begins on May 26. These classes are designed to be shorter (around 30 minutes), and the content is structured so that entire families can attend, from children to great-grandparents. We'll review key characters and accounts from the Old Testament, better understanding God's salvation history and applying these accounts to our modern lives. If you don't regularly attend Bible class, this is a great way to try it out! There is never any pressure to read or talk out loud; just grab a drink and snacks and sit with us as we find answers in God's Word.


Spring Cleaning & Work Day

Thank you to everyone who helped prepare the grounds for the summer or helped clean our church building.


Senior Moments

Senior Moments next outing will be on Sunday, June 9 for the Swinging Brass in Concert at Union Grove High School.  The concert begins at 3 pm.  The event is free, but tickets are required.   Please sign up in the narthex by Sunday, June 2.


WinGS Survey

We would like all women in the congregation to fill out a survey regarding our group called Women in God's Service (WinGS) There are paper copies located in the narthex or the form can be filled out online. Please complete the form by June 1 to help us plan activities for the upcoming year. There will be a gathering in the afternoon on June 30 to discuss the results. More details to follow soon!


Lawn Mowing Schedule

If you are interested in helping mow the lawn this growing season, there is a sign up sheet in the narthex. 


June Newsletter

Please submit items for the June newsletter by Sunday, May 19.




Awake and Alive

Awake and Alive one-day Christian Gathering for young adults in the 18-25 generation is set for Sunday June 9 in person at St. Paul's Lutheran in Muskego, WI or form a "Live Stream" group and join us online. What are your strengths?  What gives you joy?  Dr. Scott Gostchock will be leading this year's discussion on the world famous "Strengths Finders" and how it can be used to help you understand the ways God has crafted you as a unique individual to bring glory to Him and joy to your heart. This year’s summer event is meant to encourage a generation of young adults and leaders from across the country.  It is free to register and you can join us as part of the event through your family, church or small group.  find more information at Have questions? Contact Jill Dunbar at or Mike Westendorf at


Women’s Ministry Conference

WELS Women’s Ministry will be holding a conference this summer, July 18–20, at Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis. The conference will discuss how Christian women are called to be a part of the body of believers. For more information on the Women’s Ministry Conference and to register, visit