6/9/2019 5:52:22 PM
June 9, 2019
Today’s Prayer
Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.—Acts 2:18 (NIV)
Dear heavenly Father, these words were spoken by your prophet Joel so many, many years ago, but are still so very true today and fulfilled among us. Come, Holy Spirit of God, and fill us with a desire to know Scripture, study Scripture, and then tell others about your grace, mercy, and salvation. Pour out your Spirit upon us that we may burn with a desire to tell others about you and send us opportunities to do just that. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Summer Bible Class
Our summer series for Sunday morning Bible class is underway. These classes are designed to be shorter (around 30 minutes), and the content is structured so that entire families can attend, from children to great-grandparents. We'll review key characters and accounts from the Old Testament, better understanding God's salvation history and applying these accounts to our modern lives. If you don't regularly attend Bible class, this is a great way to try it out! There is never any pressure to read or talk out loud; just grab a drink and snacks and sit with us as we find answers in God's Word.
4th of July Parade
Do you have a desire to invite people to Living Water and get to know Jesus better…with an artistic flair? The Outreach Committee is in need of a coordinator to oversee the church’s involvement in the Waterford 4th of July parade. As coordinator, you will enlist the help of fellow Living Water members to determine how our church will be represented in the parade. If interested, please contact Neil Hankwitz or Pastor Voss.
Save the Date
An Open Forum & Voters’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 14 following the worship service and fellowship. One item on the agenda will be a recommendation to replace our current projector and screen with two TVs. Hope to see you there!
WinGS Potluck Gathering
There will be a potluck gathering on June 30, beginning at 2:00 pm, to plan events for 2019-2020. The gathering will be at the house of Sherry Dahl. Please sign up in the narthex if you are planning on attending.
Senior Moments
Senior Moments will be going on the Mailboat Tour of Geneva Lake on Wednesday, July 31. Mail is delivered to about 75 homes around the lake on a daily basis from June 15 to September 15. We will spend an entertaining 2 1/2 hours aboard the Walworth from 10 am to 12:30 pm (boarding time is 9:30). The cost of the tour is $38. If we have more than 10 people, we could get the group rate. Sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Deadline to sign up will be July 14.
Pastor Voss Vacation
Pastor Voss will be on vacation from June 18-25. Pastor Wayne Shevey of Wisconsin Lutheran College will be guest preaching and leading Bible study. Pastor David Kuehl (St. Paul’s, Muskego, and circuit pastor for our area) will be available for pastoral care. Pastor Kuehl can be reached at his cell phone 414-861-0635 or dkuehl@stpaulmuskego.org.
Usher Schedule
The Usher Schedule for July –December is available in the narthex.
Secretary Office Hours
During summer, Janeen Roska’s hours in the office will typically be Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. Feel free to contact her at church@livingwaterlutheran.com or on her cell phone outside of these hours. If you would like to meet with her in the office, please call, email, or text ahead of time.
Women’s Ministry Conference
WELS Women’s Ministry will be holding a conference this summer, July 18–20, at Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis. The conference will discuss how Christian women are called to be a part of the body of believers. For more information on the Women’s Ministry Conference and to register, visit wels.net/wmconference.
WELS App Available
Nearly 20,000 people have downloaded the WELS app to their phone or tablet to access daily devotions, WELS Missions Blogs, synod news, and more wherever they go. Get the app for free by going to wels.app in your device’s web browser and "add to home screen" using your device’s method.