Today’s Prayer

Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. —Psalm 100:3 (NIV)

Dear God, our heavenly Father, sometimes you seem so distant, so beyond my reach, yet you are there, holding out your hand, waiting for me to take hold so you can place me on solid ground again.  You intricately made me; you know everything about me. You call me by my name and hold me in the palms of your hands.  You know me as a shepherd knows all his sheep.  Father, when I wander, please gather me back into your fold, back to the green pasture where the needs of all your people are met through the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Pastor Voss Vacation

Pastor Voss will be on vacation through June 25. Pastor Wayne Shevey will be guest preaching and leading Bible study. Pastor David Kuehl (St. Paul’s, Muskego, and circuit pastor for our area) will be available for pastoral care. Pastor Kuehl can be reached at his cell phone 414-861-0635 or


Thanks to our Guest Preacher

We thank Pastor Wayne Shevey for sharing the gospel with us today and for leading us in Bible study. Pastor Shevey serves as a campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee and lives with his wife and children in Muskego. We wish God's blessings on his ministry at WLC!


Church Picnic Committee Meeting

The church picnic committee will meet on Thursday, June 27 at 7:00 pm.  We’ll be discussing the events of the day, set-up and clean-up.  


Fourth of July Parade

We will be handing out invitations to our Vacation Bible School in the Waterford 4th of July parade.  There are bags of invites and treats to stuff into baggies for the parade.  Please consider taking one home to help prepare the handouts.  We will also need volunteers to walk in the parade which begins at 11:00 am.


Set Sail with the Son

VBS will be held on Monday, July 22—Thursday, July 25 from 6:00-8:00 pm. A free family dinner will be served beginning at 5:15 pm.


Many volunteers—from activity leaders to group helpers to registration to decorating— are needed to help make this event happen.  Please sign up in the narthex or contact Dan Hanke.


Register your child(ren) here.


Donations of items will be needed.  Please keep an eye out for more information on how you can help in this area.



Save the Date

An Open Forum & Voters’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 14 following the worship service and fellowship.  One item on the agenda will be a recommendation to replace our current projector and screen with two TVs.  Hope to see you there!


WinGS Potluck Gathering

There will be a potluck gathering next week, June 30, beginning at 2:00 pm, to plan events for 2019-2020.  The gathering will be at the house of Sherry Dahl.  Please sign up in the narthex if you are planning on attending.


Senior Moments

The date has changed for our July Mailboat Tour of Geneva Lake. It will now be Wednesday, July 31.  Mail is delivered to about 75 homes around the lake on a daily basis from June 15 to September 15. We will spend an entertaining 2 1/2 hours aboard the Walworth from 10 am to 12:30 pm (boarding at 9:30). The cost of the tour is $34. After the tour, we will have lunch in Lake Geneva. Sign up on the sheet in the narthex by July 14. We can carpool to Lake Geneva and would plan to leave church at 8:30. Talk to Bob or Julie McGill for more details.  Our summer concert in the park and potluck picnic will be on Sunday, August 25. The concert will begin at 2:00 pm at Lions Legend Park in Franklin. Swing Nouveau, will perform sounds from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and today. Following the concert we will go to Ken and Sue Gawrisch's house for games and a potluck picnic. Bring your lawn chairs and a dish to pass.


July Newsletter

Please submit items for the July newsletter by Sunday, June 23.


Busy Bags

There are bags for children to use during church in the nursery. They are marked for different age ranges. Please feel free to use them and then return them after church. Thank you to Jim Rubach for making the wooden rack and to Kristi Jensen, Dan and Sheryl Hanke's daughter, for embroidering the bags. 


Senior’s Breakfast

The monthly Men’s Breakfast is becoming Senior’s Breakfast.  All seniors, men and women, are welcome to join us at the Crossover Cantina & Eatery on the first Tuesday of the month beginning at 8 am.  Hope to see you there!




2019 Pacer Open Golf Outing & Dinner

Friends of Shoreland, alumni, and golf enthusiasts, the 2019 Shoreland Lutheran Pacer Patrons golf outing will be held on Friday, July 12, 2019 at Maplecrest Country Club in Somers, Wisconsin.  The golfing will begin at 9:00 am on Friday, July 12.  The famous Scriver Steak Dinner will follow at approximately 3:00 pm. If you are not a golfer, but would still like to attend, the cost is $25. There will be plenty of silent auction and live auction items. One of the items up for bid will be a signed game uniform from the Milwaukee Bucks, and probable NBA Most Valuable Player, Giannis Antetokounmpo. Registration can be completed online by going to the Shoreland Lutheran athletics website -  and following the prompts to complete your registration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Paul Strutz at; 262-515-4528 or Matt Grow at; 262-903-0206.


WELS App Available

Nearly 20,000 people have downloaded the WELS app to their phone or tablet to access daily devotions, WELS Missions Blogs, synod news, and more wherever they go. Get the app for free by going to in your device’s web browser and "add to home screen" using your device’s method.