Today’s Prayer

In [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. —Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)

Father, you are rich beyond our comprehension.  Grace is your richness, richly bestowed upon all people and freely given.  To all who believe in your Son, Jesus Christ, there is redemption and forgiveness of sins.  All this is made possible by the richness of your grace.  Thank you for including me in your family.  Thank you for the grace richly bestowed upon me.  Allow the light of your grace to shine through me so that others may see you and come to know you through me. Amen.


Set Sail with the Son

VBS begins tomorrow night, Monday, July 22 and runs through Thursday, July 25 from 6:00-8:00 pm. A free family dinner will be served beginning at 5:15 pm.  Come and bring a friend to hear the good news of the Savior.


Senior Moments Mailboat Tour

We will be going to Lake Geneva on Wednesday, July 31 for a Mailboat Tour. The tour is from 10 am to 12:30 pm. The 2 1/2 hour tour departs from the Riviera Docks (812 Wrigley Drive, Lake Geneva) at 10 am. Boarding time is 30 minutes prior to departure time, so we should be there no later than 9:30 am, as seating is first come, first served. You can still sign up if you'd like to join us. The cost of the tour is $34/person. Please pay Julie McGill for your tickets. After the tour we will be going to Sprecher's (111 Center Street) for lunch. There's free parking in The Cove Lot at Sprecher's. We will meet at church at 8:15 am to carpool to Lake Geneva (or you can drive on your own). Any questions, talk to Bob or Julie McGill.


Church Picnic

Save the date for Sunday, August 11 for the church picnic.  Food, fun, and fellowship.  Volunteers are needed to help set up, cook the food, run games, and clean up.  We’re also looking for people to bring side dishes and desserts.  Please see the sign up sheet in the narthex or contact Kathi Boziel for more information.


Open Forum & Voters’ Meeting

Last Sunday's voters meeting was preceded by an open forum which included reports from boards of ministry. The finance committees announced very positive news about the monetary blessings God has given us. God be praised for his people's generosity! Jeff Roska also presented a proposal to update our sanctuary's projection system. After listening to feedback from men and women alike, the voters decided to replace the current projection system and screen with a two TV plan. On each sacristy wall above the hymn boards, an 85" state-of-the-art TV will hang. The project can be completed in under a week, and we already have most of the funds needed for the project which was capped at $11,000. If you have comments, questions, or concerns about any area of Living Water's ministry, please talk to a councilman. God bless the work he has given us to do!


Financial Statements

Financial statements are available in the narthex.


August Newsletter

Please submit items for the August newsletter by Sunday, July 21.


Amazon Smile

Living Water is participating in the Amazon Smile program.  If you select Living Water, we receive a percentage of your eligible purchases as a donation. Click here to register.  If you have questions, please contact Janeen Roska.



WELS App Available

Nearly 20,000 people have downloaded the WELS app to their phone or tablet to access daily devotions, WELS Missions Blogs, synod news, and more wherever they go. Get the app for free by going to in your device’s web browser and "add to home screen" using your device’s method.