8/4/2019 1:26:15 PM
August 4, 2019
Today’s Prayer
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. —Psalm 116:1-2 (NIV)
I love you, LORD, for you are the great God, maker of the heavens and the earth. When you hear my cry for mercy I know you have heard my voice. Your ears are always turned toward me -- tuned into my prayers and the prayers of all your faithful people. It is only a matter of calling out to you. Your ear is always available, and you know who it is who is calling. May praise, thanksgiving, and repentance always be on my heart, mind, and lips. Remind me to pray for others at all times and for all things. Encourage me to pray your word back to you. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
August Newsletter
Please pick up your August newsletter in the narthex. Financial statements through the end of June are also available.
WinGS Planning Meeting
Ladies, stop in and hear what's new with WinGS (Women in God’s Service) and the changes we are making. We'd love to hear your ideas and opinions. Stop in for a FAST 15 minutes! See you in the library between worship and Bible class.
Church Picnic
The church picnic will be held next Sunday, August 11 Volunteers are needed to grill the meat and clean up. We’re also looking for people to bring side dishes and desserts. Please see the sign up sheet in the narthex or contact Kathi Boziel for more information.
Senior Moments
The summer concert in the park and potluck picnic will be on Sunday, August 25. The concert will begin at 2:00 pm at Lions Legend Park in Franklin. Swing Nouveau will perform sounds from the 30s, 40s, 50s, and today. Following the concert we will go to Ken and Sue Gawrisch's house for games and a potluck picnic. Bring your lawn chairs and a dish to pass. As in the past the meat (brats and burgers) will be provided. Sign up on the sheet in the narthex.
Blood Drive
We are looking into the possibility of hosting a blood drive sponsored by Versiti (formerly the Blood Center of Wisconsin). This would be a great opportunity to be a part of our community. There needs to be enough interest in the blood drive in order for this to be feasible. If you would be interested in participating, please sign up in the narthex and indicate the times when you would be able to donate.
Freewill Offering
There will be a door offering to support the “Equipping Christian Witnesses” campaign to support the ministry of Martin Luther College on Sunday, August 18. Our offerings will go toward building a new facilities for students, including a new dormitory. Booklets with more information are in the narthex or visit mlc-wels.edu/mlc-campaign.
Scrip Order
You can raise funds for our Tuition Assistance Fund through your regular shopping—gas, groceries, and more. Scrip is a program where you buy gift cards, and a percentage of the gift cards is donated to Living Water. Those funds are added to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Order forms are available in the narthex. Orders are due, Sunday, August 4.
E-Giving Option
Living Water offers an e-giving option for offerings to support our work here. When you sign up for this program, you can determine the amount and the frequency of your offering. Your offering is then automatically transferred from your bank account to Living Water. If you would like more information on this, please speak to Craig Scherbarth or Janeen Roska. Sign-up sheets for the program are in the narthex.
Christ Lutheran Job Opportunities
Christ Lutheran School & Preschool in Big Bend are in need of preschool aides and extended care workers for the 2019-2020 school year. If interested please contact Mrs. Tammy Weide, preschool director and extended care coordinator.
Volunteer Opportunity
New Beginnings, a WELS-based home for single mothers, is seeking a Volunteer Boutique Assistant to help with organizing, taking inventory of donated items, switching out seasonal baby clothing, and displaying baby products. If you are available once per month, are self-directed, and have organizational skills, please contact us by emailing Christina at christinap@homeformothers.com, or by calling our office at (414) 376-0595 and asking for Christina. Hours are flexible!