Today’s Prayer

It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. —Luke 12:37 (NIV)

Dear heavenly Father, here we are celebrating Labor Day weekend.  It is interesting to discover how often labor was mentioned in the Bible.  When there was work to be done, servants or other laborers were appointed to accomplish the task at hand.  Give us a willing spirit to serve where service is needed and to thank those who do serve.  For those who are in the workforce, give them honest wages, fair and just bosses, and appreciation for the work that they do.  Help us to realize that no matter what we do, we need to do it all to your glory as though serving you.   Amen.


Monday Worship Schedule

There will not be Monday evening worship tomorrow, September 2 due to Labor Day.  Monday evening worship will be held on September 9.  There will be no worship on September 16 due to Pastor attending a symposium.  The regular Monday evening worship schedule will resume on September 23.


September Newsletter

Please pick up your September newsletter in the narthex.


September 8 Voters Meeting

At its August meeting, Council entertained a motion to approve a local bid for our projector replacement. The bid's professional opinion is not to square off the sacristy walls but to leave them at the current angle. While the Council is confident in that recommendation, it is different than what the voters approved in June. Therefore, for the sake of good order and communication, the Council is calling for a brief and special one item voters meeting on September 8 to entertain this bid with a layout that keeps our angled walls. The meeting will occur after worship and before Bible Study.


WinGS Meeting

Women in God’s Service will have a FAST 15  minute meeting next Sunday, September 8, after worship. We will meet in the library to vote for a new Vice President, hand out fall schedules, and decide how to spend some of our monies. Our meeting will end prior to the Voters Meeting.


Sunday School

Sunday School will begin for the school year next week, Sunday, September 8.  Sunday School is for students in grades 4K through 6th grade and is held during the same time as Bible Class following Sunday morning worship.  Please register on our website or with the paper registration forms in the narthex.


Tough Questions, Gospel-Established Answers

There are few things worse than not being able to answer an important question, especially spiritual ones. Whether it's talking with someone or just doing some soul-searching, it's painful to be uncertain . On September 8, we'll begin a Bible study series based on the book of Romans which will help us answer tough questions. Topics will include homosexuality, government, other Christian churches, and why some are not saved. Each week the Holy Spirit will give us gospel-established answers that help us tackle the tough questions others ask about our faith... and the questions we ask ourselves.


Guest Preacher

We thank Seminarian Joshua Rathje for sharing God's Word with us today! Josh just finished serving as a vicar (pastoral intern) at Grace Lutheran Church in Glendale, Arizona and has begun his final year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.


New Lawn Mower

We have replaced the lawn mower.  If you wish to help as a volunteer cutting the lawn, please contact Gary Steffens for instructions on use of the mower.


Scrip Order

You can raise funds for our Tuition Assistance Fund through your regular shopping—gas, groceries, and more.   Scrip is a program where you buy gift cards, and a percentage of the gift cards is donated to Living Water.  Those funds are added to our Tuition Assistance Fund. Order forms are available in the narthex.  Orders are due Sunday, September 1.


Secretary Office Hours

Beginning in September, Janeen Roska’s hours in the office will typically be Wednesdays from 3:30-6:00 pm and Fridays from 1:00-3:30 pm.  Feel free to contact her at or on her cell phone outside of these hours. If you would like to meet with her in the office, please call, text, or email ahead of time.




Friends of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

On Saturday, October 5, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary hosts Friends of the Seminary Day. This annual event provides WELS members an opportunity to visit the campus and learn more about the seminary’s work. The day begins with fellowship and breakfast snacks at 8:00 am. Worship follows at 9:00. Activities include presentations by students and faculty members, guided tours of the campus, and a noon meal. Secure a place by sending $10 to Friends of the Seminary Day, 11831 N. Seminary Dr., Mequon WI 53092; or call 262-242-8104.