Today’s Prayer

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. —Colossians 1:9 (NIV)

Dear heavenly Father, help us to never stop prayer for our fellow Christians.  Hear our prayers for all missionaries, pastors, staff ministers, and lay people who are working to further your kingdom on earth.  Hear our prayers also for all fellow church members that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit and their faith continues to grow.  Come, Holy Spirit, increase our knowledge of Scripture, and fill us with wisdom and understanding on how to share this with others.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


Guest Preacher

Pastor E. Allen Sorum serves as our guest preacher today. Pastor Sorum currently serves as professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin, where he is also the Director of Pastoral Studies Institute. Through that work, Professor Sorum has been involved with our synod’s ministry in Vietnam. We thank Pastor Sorum for sharing God’s Word with us!


Mission and Ministry Sunday

The official Vietnam government has invited WELS to start a theological training center for Hmong people in Vietnam.  Hear more about this exciting effort in Vietnam during Bible class today.  A freewill offering to support this work in Vietnam will also be taken.


Trunk or Treat October 26

Join us, this Saturday, October 26, 1:00-3:30 pm for our annual Trunk or Treat event. At Trunk or Treat, children of our congregation and community can trick-or-treat out of members' decorated trunks. Sign-up sheet for volunteers and donations are in the narthex. Bins for both candy donations and other donations are in the narthex.  Posters to hang in local businesses and postcards to hand to friends are also available in the narthex.


Jesus Cares

Living Water is excited to start the 12th year of Jesus Cares! The theme this year is “The God of Living Water.” Jesus Cares meets on the 3rd Monday of the month from October through May from 6:00—7:00 pm. We hear a devotion, learn a Bible story, sing songs, and make crafts. If you are interested in signing up a participant or volunteering, you can contact Kristen Moldenhauer.  Prayers for the growth of this amazing program are so appreciated!


Senior Moments 

We will be going to Holy Hill for a tour of the church and grounds on Friday, November 1. We will carpool from church and plan to leave at 9:00 am. Following the tour we will stop for lunch at the Sawmill Inn in Richfield. Please sign up in the narthex.


Five Minutes, Valuable Help

In just five minutes of your time, you could help provide valuable feedback for our congregation’s outreach efforts. Please take time to complete it and help our outreach leader evaluate the past and plan for future ways that we can be Christ’s witnesses. You can complete the survey online using the link in the email (dated October 1) or by scanning this QR code with your phone.  It is helpful for us in collecting the information if you do take the survey online.  If you do not have internet access, you can fill out a paper copy found in the lobby.


November Newsletter

Please submit information for the November newsletter by Sunday, October 20.



Tomorrow’s Choice

Tomorrow’s Choice Family Resource Center will be hosting their annual banquet and raffle on Sunday, November 10 at 4:00 pm.  The banquet will be held in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Lutheran Church in Waukesha.   Donations of items or gift certificates are needed for the event.  Tickets to attend are $30 per person.  Tomorrow’s Choice is a local, gospel-centered, and WELS-based organization which serves and counsels women facing an unplanned pregnancy, struggling with the after effects of an abortion, and concerned about abstinence; it also supports families with diapers and other earthly needs. 


Shoreland Fall Concert

Please join us for a casual concert of music and munchies!  The Shoreland Dessert Concert is Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 pm.  Featured will be Shoreland's musical groups demonstrating all they've accomplished during the first quarter of the school year.  So sit back and enjoy some great music and some sweet treats at the Shoreland Dessert Concert.  Hope to see you there!