Second Sunday in Lent

Sermon Text: Luke 13:31-35

Other readings: Jeremiah 26:8-15, Philippians 3:17-4:1


  1. Jesus calls himself a prophet in our text. What do prophets do? What similarities do we see between the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah in our First Lesson (Jeremiah 26:8-15) and Jesus in our Gospel?


  1. What is the “goal” Jesus was referring to in verse 32?


  1. It is God who works faith in our hearts and repentance (turning from sin) in our lives (Philippians 2:13), but those who do not have faith or repentance cannot blame God for that. Why not (verse 34)?


  1. According to our Second Lesson from Philippians 3:17-4:1, why are people unwilling to be gathered by God and his Word?


  1. Reaching out to others with God’s Word and love can be scary because we fear getting rejected as Jerusalem rejected Jesus. Describe a time when you reached out to someone with God’s Word but got rejected. What might you have done differently? Knowing that even Jesus faced rejection, how can that encourage you?





  1. Prophets speak all the words of God (Jeremiah 26:15) for people to hear, both messages of law that confront people with their sins and messages of gospel that tell people about God’s forgiveness. Both Jesus and Jeremiah faithfully proclaimed God’s Word, did so to Jerusalem, and faced severe opposition from Jerusalem.
  2. Jesus’ goal was to suffer and die for the sins of all people in Jerusalem. He reached this goal when he shouted on the cross, “It is finished!”
  3. God creates faith and works repentance through his Word, but Jesus makes it clear: people can and do reject God’s Word and love. When they do so, they have no one to blame but themselves.
  4. Paul summarized that they have their minds on “earthly things” liking filling their stomachs or seeking earthly glory that leads to spiritual shame (Philippians 3:19). We often care more about earthly comforts than future glory in heaven.
  5. Answers will vary for the first part. This account reminds us to be thankful that God has overcome our own unwillingness and shows us that if even Jesus was rejected, we shouldn’t feel like we’re inadequate when we get rejected. We can learn from situations, but we can be at peace knowing God works through us and our words.