Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon Series: “The God of Living Water”

Sermon Texts: Genesis 9:8-17

Other Readings: 1 Peter 3:17-22 and Matthew 24:3, 37-39, 42, 44


  1. Think back to the scariest or most devastating weather you’ve ever witnessed. What sorts of feelings did you have then? How do you think they might have compared to Noah after he stepped off the ark and waited for God’s words here?


  1. Wisconsin saw some intense heat and storms this past weekend. Many are convinced that global warming and environmental changes are destroying the earth. What do these verses have to say about these (pardon the pun) hot-topic issues? (You can also check out our Gospel reading and Genesis 8:22.)


  1. Some think that baptism is just a symbol or a sign that represents our commitment to God. Use our Second Lesson, 1 Peter 3:17-22, to show that baptism is more than just a sign.


  1. As alluded to in the sermon’s introduction, the LGBTQ community uses a rainbow as a sign of their “pride.” How could you use the rainbow-as-symbol concept as a way to begin a conversation with LGBTQ advocates and talk about God’s justice and mercy?





  1. Answers will vary based on personal experience. Noah must have had many emotions, such as relief that he survived and some questions about the future.


  1. Global warming and environmental changes may indeed be a real threat; there is data that Christians should pay attention to and care about. But Christians have a unique perspective on these issues. Our first window from Eden shows us how great of a gift the earth is because it comes from God, so we don’t abuse or neglect it. Our second window shows us that God promises not to let this earth be destroyed until he returns, so we don’t panic as if climate changes are out of his control.


  1. Peter makes it clear: baptism saves people from their sins because it connects people to Jesus’ saving death and his victorious resurrection. God promises that baptism truly saves people from eternal death, just the ark truly saved Noah and his family.


  1. The rainbow could serve as a conversation starter in this sort of way: “I understand you see the rainbow as a symbol of the pride you have in your community and lifestyle. Can I tell you what I, as a Christian, think about when I see the rainbow? I think about God’s underserved love – his grace. The rainbow is his sign to every creature and person that he won’t destroy the earth in the flood. We can both agree that humankind has done, is doing, and will do some terrible things. But the rainbow is God’s sign to us that in love he doesn’t want to punish this creation as it deserves, just as the cross is a sign to us that in love God doesn’t punish sinners as they deserve. The rainbow reminds me of God’s grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and that makes me proud to be a Christian.”