3/29/2021 4:21:38 PM
March 28, 2021
Palm Sunday—Sixth Sunday in Lent
Sermon Text: Mark 11:1-10
Other Readings: Zechariah 9:9,10 and Philippians 2:1-10
- If you want to see what Jesus’ road in Jerusalem may have looked like, click here. (Note: Take the theological content with a grain of salt and test it against the Scriptures.)
- What does the word hosanna mean?
- Why did the people talk about the kingdom of David? Read Matthew 1:6-17.
- Our Second Lesson from Philippians 2:1-10 mentions how Jesus is both true God and became true human. Where do you see evidence of both in our sermon text from Mark 11:1-10?
- Why is it important this week to know that Jesus is both true God and true man?
- Sometimes you can also get Google Earth and Google Street View to give you some pretty amazing sights!
- Hosanna literally meant, “LORD, please save.” It was a plea for deliverance. Because we generally only call for rescue to people great enough to help, over the centuries hosanna became a shout of exclamation or praise to someone great.
- God promised that King David’s reign would never end; his descendants would always be on the throne. This was a messianic promise, and even though many misunderstood that promise, they still applied it to Jesus. Jesus’ human nature indeed is descended from David, and he has established the eternal spiritual kingdom God promised.
- There are multiple answers, but we see Jesus’ divine nature in the way he foreknew where the colt was and what kind of encounter the disciples would have. We see his human nature in the way that he rode the colt like any other human and was acclaimed by the people as one of their own, a human.
- As true God, what Jesus did for us during Holy Week was done perfectly and has an effect for all eternity. As true man, we know that Jesus was able to truly die and be the substitute for all mankind.