Day of Pentecost

 Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 12:3-11

 Other Readings: Acts 2:1-21 and John 7:37-39


  1. We will be celebrating Holy Trinity Sunday on June 4, but many commentators point out that there is a reference to the Trinity within these verses. Where can you see a trinitarian reference within these verses?
  2. Based on 1 Corinthians 12:3 and Acts 2:21, what is the primary work of the Holy Spirit?
  3. Paul already highlighted the gift of faith in verse 3. What then, is he talking about when he writes in verse 9, “ another faith by the same Spirit?” Consult 1 Corinthians 13:2.
  4. Do you think that Paul here is listing an exhaustive list of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?
  5. What spiritual gift(s) might the Holy Spirit have given you? Compare this list in 1 Corinthians 12 along with Paul’s words in Romans 12:3-8. How might you be able to use that gift or those gifts in service to your congregation?


  1. Commentators point out a trinitarian reference in verses 4-6 where we can see the Holy Spirit in verse 4, Jesus Christ (God the Son) in verse 5, and God the Father in verse 6.
  2. The Holy Spirit’s work is to point people to Jesus Christ as the Lord of sin, death, hell, and their lives. By doing so, the Holy Spirit creates faith in that person which trusts in and confesses Jesus as Lord.
  3. Paul seems to be referring to an extraordinary measure of faith which empowers a person to do bold things because that believer is so confident in God and what he has promised in his Word.
  4. No, this is not an exhaustive list. We know that because in Romans 12:3-8 and Galatians chapter 5, Paul lists additional gifts. Here, Paul is listing a sample of gifts given at that time for various purposes needed in the early Christian church. We should not necessarily elevate these gifts over others.
  5. Answers will vary based on personal perspective. God be praised for your gifts and help you use them to the benefit of other Christians and to the glory of his name!