At Christmas just a few weeks ago we celebrated Jesus coming to us in the flesh. Now at his baptism, we celebrate how he comes to us to do the work of his public ministry.
Vicar Joel Kriever served as our guest preacher. Vicar Krieger serves at our sister congregation, St. John's in Mukwonago, as part of his seminary training in order to be a pastor. God bless Vicar Krieger in his continued training!
On Sunday we celebrated the Festival of Epiphany which highlights how Jesus appeared in the flesh to be the Savior of all people -- Jew and Gentile. Because Jesus is the Savior of all people of all races, that means there are some surprising people who come to see him and some surprising ways they get there.
The spiritual gifts and attitude that comes with Christ's birth are something that we proudly wear everyday of our lives.
Pastor Wayne Shevey served as our guest preacher on December 27.
Pastor Shevey serves as a campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee.
Mary was not a perfect woman; she needed a Savior as much as you do. But she does emulate beautiful faith. As you get continuing watching for Jesus' return and celebrate his first coming, Mary's faith shows you how blessed and happy it is to live as the Lord's servant under his power and grace.
The light of Jesus Christ shines even brighter in 2020's darkness. John the Baptist testifies to that comforting fact.
(We are aware of the audio issues and continue to work out the kinks that our new soundboard is presenting. Thank you for your patience!)
Vicar Joel Krieger comes to us from St. John's Lutheran Church (Mukwonago) and serves as our guest preacher. Vicar Krieger is in the middle of his pastoral intern year, which is part of his seminary training. A vicar serves a congregation while learning from a veteran pastor at that congregation. God bless Vicar Krieger as he continues his training for pastoral ministry!
The season of Advent is all about preparing for Christ's coming. Jesus' voice in this text commands us to urgently keep watch for that coming.
As we fight against sin, temptation, and evil in this life, it may seem like Jesus, our Bridegroom, is a long time in coming to take us to heaven's triumph. But as we keep watch with other Christians, we ponder the fact that heaven will be worth the wait.
Nearly every Sunday we confess that God "will judge the living and the dead." But how often do we visualize what that will look like? The vision which Daniel recorded for us helps us do that very thing, and find comfort as we await our sentence.
As we celebrated the Lutheran Reformation last weekend, we thought of two Christian men who used the Word of God to reform hearts in the face of opposition. The way the Lord stood by Paul the Apostle and Martin Luther the Reformer is the same way he promises to stand by you.
(Note: There again are audio difficulties due to internet issues; we're working on getting those solved for the future. Thank you for your patience.)
As a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), Living Water partners with congregations across the nation and globe to do mission work and to train pastors and teachers for ministry. On October 25, we thanked God especially for the work WELS does through Luther Preparatory School (Watertown, WI), a high school which encourages and prepares her students for full time public ministry as pastors, teachers, and staff ministers. Pastor Evan Chartrand, LPS’ recruitment director, served us with God's good news and shared more about LPS’ mission.
Jesus' Living Water Quenches Your Thirst for Normalcy
When you find someone in life who gives you companionship and confidence, you hold on to that person. Jesus wants to be with you and encourage you with his saving power. So hold on to him in faith, especially when you're afraid or having doubt!
Jesus' Living Water Quenches Your Thirst for Someone to Be in Control
(Note: There were some audio issues during the recording process. We hope to have it corrected next week.)
Our series on our New Testament stained glass windows continues. In a year that has seen everything from a global pandemic to urban unrest, we look at Jesus silencing a storm with a single sentence. Then we know that everything in our lives will be OK because Jesus is both the Creator and our Savior.
Jesus' Living Water Quenches Your Thirst for Understanding
Inside every human being is a thirsty to understand the meaning of this life. In a boat on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus helps us understand life within the context of the kingdom of heaven. Jesus doesn't use tricks of modern day blogging, but his teaching unlocks secrets no selfie sticks or webcams could reveal. Come to Jesus and drink the living water of his understanding.
Jesus' Living Water Quenches Your Thirst for Righteousness
This Sunday we began a sermon series on our stained glass windows from the New Testament.
As we wade through all the wrong things we have done and in a world where we see so much sin, the window of Jesus' baptism invites us to wade into the waters of the Jordan River and find in Jesus a righteousness which quenches our thirst for things to be made right between God and us.
Last Sunday we emphasized the Chrisitian education aspect of our congregation's ministry. Christian education is not just for cute Sunday schoolers, young adults in catechism class, or those at a Lutheran high school. Paul's letter to Titus makes it clear that if a congregation wants to be health, Christian education must be a congregational-wide affair -- young and old, male and female.
When we endure hardships because of our faith in God, we don't have to "play the victim" before him. The Lord understands both what he will do through us and will do for us, just as he understood what he was doing through and for Jeremiah the prophet.
A memorial set up on the first day Israel entered the Promised Land serves as an encouragement to you to memorialize the meaning of God's love and faithfulness in your life.
A suprising encounter filled with racial and cultural tension shows you Jesus' unprejudiced mercy, his limitless power, and what great faith does.
God is so good at providing for our needs that he makes it look easy. A closer look at the way he used Joseph to provide for people's needs in 1800 BC better help us appreciate the skill, power, and mercy he shows in the ways he provides for us in 2020 AD, both by his own hand and through others.
There is no reason to be jealous of King Solomon that God gave him, already a rich man, a blank check, so to speak. God has already made you rich through faith, and like he did with Solomon, God wants to make you even richer.
There is evil and are evil people all around us. Sometimes, it's even hard to even spot them. As eager (or impatient) as it might make us to take help out our God and take matters into our own hands, Jesus teaches and promises that he'll sort it all out in the end.
The coronavirus cliches have been coming at you fast and furios the last few months. Let's reclaim one of them from a biblical perspective. The Apostle Paul tells you that you have someone who is with you in whatever situation you find yourself in.
The world is full of sinners who blaspheme God, persecute Christians, and carry out violence in general. But that didn't stop Christ Jesus come into the world with his abundant grace for every sinner, including them "out there" and you right here.