The coronavirus cliches have been coming at you fast and furios the last few months. Let's reclaim one of them from a biblical perspective. The Apostle Paul tells you that you have someone who is with you in whatever situation you find yourself in.
The world is full of sinners who blaspheme God, persecute Christians, and carry out violence in general. But that didn't stop Christ Jesus come into the world with his abundant grace for every sinner, including them "out there" and you right here.
Sandwiched between word pictures about animals and agriculture, real estate and home builds, Jesus tells us the kind of person who gets into his eternal kingdom in heaven.
Whenever we celebrate Trinity Sunday (as we did this last weekend), we pause to reflect that God is three distinct persons -- Father, Son, and Spirit -- in one undivided God. We pause to reflect on that, but we don't hesitate to go and tell others about him and live our Christian lives.
The coronavirus (and now civil unrest) has changed the way we work, sudy, shop, and even worship. What will things be like after we get the situation under control? The prophet Joel tells us and the Day of Pentecost shows us.
Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, the disicples lost physical sight of him as he ascended into heaven. The comfort for them and us is that Jesus never loses sight of Scripture's promises nor of his people.
How much is a life worth? Economists and government officials wrestle with that as they pass stimulus bills and plan for business re-openings. The Apostle Peter answers the how-much-is-a-life-worth question from the spiritual side.
Like he knew his apostles' thoughts and was able to powerfully speak right to them, so your risen Savior knows exactly what you're thinking and speaks his peace right to those thoughts.
Easter Sunday's sermon shows that even as we wait to declare victory over COVID-19, we already declare victory over sin, death, and an aimless life -- all thanks to God!
Humor. Pleasure-seeking. Panic. Constant comparing of exper opinoins. These are just some of the ways people deal with the fact that death is all around us. The Christian's approach is different and leads to true life, now and hereafter.
With all the focus on social distancing and body positioning, this sermon text gives us a chance to consider how Jesus positioned himself to serve us and now positions us to serve others.
Can Jesus do anything about COVID-19? The same Jesus who showed himself as Lord to the man born blind is the same Jesus who has shown himself to you as Lord of both the body and the soul -- even in the midst of a viral pandemic.
After Abraham walked to the Promised Land, he discovered something about his relationship with God. The Apostle Paul walks us through the significance of that discovery for our faith this Lent and the rest of our lives.
Sure, Jesus' temptation in the wilderness shows you how to defeat your own temtpations -- by refuting the devil with what's written in Scripture.
Just as importantly, this written account of Jesus' perfection shows you that Jesus is your perfect substitute for all the times you have given into Satan's temptations.
Transfiguration Sunday gives us the opportunity to climb a couple mountains, check out the views from there, and see how they affect the way we view our lives going forward.
Our fourth and final sermon in a series from 1 Corinthians wraps up two key themes from this letter's opening chapters -- wisdom and the cross. As we hear Paul's words, the Holy Spirit connects the dots and lets you in on God's secret.
What makes for powerful public speaking doesn't necessarily make for powerful preaching. Paul tells us what does make for powerful preaching, whether for first century Corinth or twenty-first century Wind Lake.
Would the world choose you according to the standards it celebrates? Even if it did, that neither gives you anything to boast about before God nor does it guarantee joy. Paul explains that when you see yourself according to God's choosing you in Jesus, you have true joy.
This is the second in a series of sermons from 1 Corinthians.
In first century Corinth how can a deeply divided congregation with cliques and quarrels become united? In 21st century Wind Lake how can a congregation with members across backgrounds and ages and occupations be united? The answer is the same for both: Jesus Christ, who makes all Christians part of his family and who gives us his mindset.
This is the first sermon in a series on the opening chapters of 1 Corinthians.
Description A stained glass window in our sanctuary depicts Jesus' baptism because it is key event in his life. After living a pretty private life for his first thrity years, Jesus' baptism marks the beginning of his public ministry.
More importantly, it tells us what kind of Savior we have.
Jesus Resolves the Mystery of Salvation for Every Generation
A good mystery has a deep problem, an exciting twist, and a memorable solution. They mystery of God's salvation in Jesus Christ has all three. The Apostle Paul expains in our sermon text.
We thank Pastor Wayne Shevey, a campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran College, for sharing God's Word with us.
If you feel like our culture tries to quickly move past Christmas, you should meet King Herod. As Herod tries to carry out a sinister plot against the Christ-child, we see a comforting truth that will take us into the new year and decade.
Divine Intervention Can Look Like Divine Interruption
God is not shy about interrupting our lives and changing both our earthly plans and our spiritual state. In the moment, we may not know what is going on and may wonder why God seems to be so rude. But when we have the eyes of faith that Mary and Joseph had, we see how God doesn't so much rudely interrupt as he graciously intervenes.
Are you full of the so-called "holiday spirit" yet? If not, don't worry. The Apostle Paul encourages you that you are filled with a different Spirit and all the gifts that come with him.
On Christ the King Sunday, Jesus is pictured in prophecy as both a fierce lion and a peaceful ruler. Therefore, we live to praise him, not rouse him.
Saints Triumphant is a Sunday that brings tremendous comfort because it shows us that our Christian loved ones who have fallen asleep in death are enjoying victory in heaven and that we will enjoy it, too, one day! Jesus' words bring us that comfort today, but they also might raise some deep questions for you, and the answers may blow your mind a bit.