Every single Sunday we pray, "through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever." Three persons -- Father, Son, Spirit. But just one God. That does not make logical sense. It'll never make logical sense. But on Trinity Sunday we confess that and accept it in faith because the teaching of the Trinity (three persons, yet just one divine Being) assures us that we are children of that God who will inherit heaven.
Last Sunday we celebrated Jesus' ascension back into heaven forty days after he rose from the dead. This Sunday, we celebrated the Festival of Pentecost. Ten days after Jesus ascended (and fifty days after he rose), he sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. That was a miraculous day filled with fire, wind, and speaking in foreign languages. Is that Holy Spirit with us? Does he work among us now? Absolutely! And in John 14:25-27, we meet the Holy Spirit through our risen and ascended Savior's words.
40 days after Jesus rose from the dead, he ascended back into heaven. Ascension Day is sometimes overlooked but is just as important as Christmas or Easter because it makes us happy -- for Jesus who ascended and for ourselves who will ascend into heaven.
There is only one road that leads to eternal life: the good news about Jesus as our Savior from sins. The evangelist Philip helped an Ethiopian man travel along that gospel road, and that's the path we want our faith to travel as well.
In this sermon from Good Shepherd Sunday, Pastor Wayne Shevey encourages you to stand guard with your Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus attentively watches over his sheep - his believers, so we watch out for one another as Satan tries his best to snatch us from Jesus' hand. Pastor Shevey serves as a campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee.
In today's America, it is so easy to witness events with our eyes. Even if you weren't there in person, you can catch the latest news on TV, streamed online, or from a friend's phone. Then you're ready to talk about that with others. While you can't see Jesus and what he did on YouTube or in long lost home videos, the Bible makes you a witness. Through faith in God's Word you can witness Jesus and then be a witness for him in the world!
More and more people are saying that the Christian faith is pointless and useless. The Apostle Paul sets out to convince you otherwise, based on a historical fact and God's Word.
The Easter Festival service is always one of the most attended worship services of the year. What moves so many people to show up? A lot of different reasons, I guess. But once inside church, the Holy Spirit uses the good news of God's Word to move our hearts.
In just one sentence, could you explain what Palm Sunday is and why it's important? Here's one way: On Palm Sunday, King Jesus comes to YOU.
Our midweek Lenten series continues as Pastor Tim Kujath of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in East Troy explains this kind of confusing yet eternally comforting fact: Jesus Christ is both the priest and the sacrifice which the priest offers to God the Father.
Your idea of glory is probably not Jesus' idea of glory. Wheat, death, the Father, and the devil... they're all in the picture at the crucial moments when Jesus would be glorified.
God the Father had a purpose in sending his Son Jesus into this world. In a secret nighttime conversation, Jesus explained his purpose to a man named Nicodemus. Let's listen in on what Jesus said...
Jesus Christ our Great High Priest... makes us priests. Which means you now have special access to places and things you didn't on your own.
During the season of Lent we are reminded again and again that the punishment for our sin should be condemnation in hell. But these verses from Romans remind us that what Jesus Christ did for us during Holy Week changed our relationship with God and what we get from him. Seminarian Josh Rathje shares that good news with us!
Josh is in his second year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary where, God willing, he will graduate in another two years and serve a congregation as pastor.
Pastor Tim Kujath of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in East Troy brings us part 2 of the series "Jesus Christ Is Our Great High Priest." Hebrews 1:1-3 emphasize that Jesus is great because he not only is 100% true human being (like the Old Testament priests) but also 100% true God (unlike those other priests). This has a great big impact on your salvation!
If you're a Christian, you must lose out on things in this life, but Jesus promises you that the eternal things you gain through his death, his resurrection, and his gospel far outgain what you give up in this generation.
Pastor Gary Pufahl of Christ Lutheran Church in Big Bend leads us through the first part of our midweek Lent sermon series entitled, "Jesus Christ Is Our Great High Priest." This message focuses on how Jesus is lived a perfect life in your place.
Ash Wednesday, the start of the season of Lent, is a time of repentance. It helps sets the stage as we follow Jesus to his suffering and death. The Old Testament prophet Joel sums up all of Lent with this one verse: "Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate."
Before we head into the dark days of Lent when Jesus suffers and dies because and for our sins, we get connected to Jesus' own glory which he displayed in part on the Mount of Transfiguration. And that makes us act with great boldness today and every day!
Nobody likes to feel as if they're not being paid attention to. It's especially hurtful when someone you trust forgets about your situation or how they can help you. That won't happen with Jesus. You have his undivided attention.
Sometimes people talk about having a "call" from God. In our verses, the four fishermen got a call from the Son of God himself: a call to public ministry. But, if you don't have a call for public ministry, that doesn't mean Jesus' isn't speaking to you here. He's calling to you with both law (commands for your life) and gospel (good news about free forgiveness).
At least half of Americans would call themselves spiritual, religious, or a combination of both. Many people think that Jesus of Nazareth can help them find spiritual or religious answers, but Jesus lived nearly 2,000 years ago. So, where and how are you going to find Jesus?
Acts chapter 16 shows us how a man went from being shaken to the core to being filled with joy. Paul and Silas tell you that you don't have to survive a near-death experience to be filled with that same joy.
The world is a dark place. Scandals, crime, and hate abound. Your personal life often feels dark, too. What's the only thing that can truly brighten things up? Our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon celebrates Epiphany: the fact that Jesus Christ has been revealed the light of the whole world and your life.
For everyone coming down in a post-Christmas crash, Simeon and Anna shift our focus to the Christ child because in him we see and understand that the joy of Christmas lasts longer than just a shopping season or a break from school.
A good journalist seeks the answers to the five W's (who, what, where, when, and why) and to the question of how. When we look at Christmas, we got some questions. As the angel Gabriel gives Mary an important announcement, he answers our Christmas questions as well.